object(Zend_Db_Statement_Exception)#172 (8) {
  ["_previous":"Zend_Exception":private] => NULL
  ["message":protected] => string(206) "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NULL' at line 1"
  ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
  ["code":protected] => int(42000)
  ["file":protected] => string(63) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php"
  ["line":protected] => int(234)
  ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(10) {
    [0] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(59) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php"
      ["line"] => int(300)
      ["function"] => string(8) "_execute"
      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => &NULL
    [1] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(87) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/modules/default/models/Course.php"
      ["line"] => int(121)
      ["function"] => string(7) "execute"
      ["class"] => string(17) "Zend_Db_Statement"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [2] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(102) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/modules/default/controllers/DaotaoController.php"
      ["line"] => int(227)
      ["function"] => string(19) "getListCourseRelate"
      ["class"] => string(20) "Default_Model_Course"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(5) {
        [0] => &NULL
        [1] => &string(2) "vi"
        [2] => &int(1092)
        [3] => &int(1)
        [4] => &int(5)
    [3] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(64) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
      ["line"] => int(513)
      ["function"] => string(17) "hangchitietAction"
      ["class"] => string(16) "DaotaoController"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [4] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(77) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
      ["line"] => int(295)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(1) {
        [0] => &string(17) "hangchitietAction"
    [5] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(63) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
      ["line"] => int(954)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(2) {
        [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#207 (15) {
          ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(4) "_GET"
            [1] => string(5) "_POST"
          ["_requestUri":protected] => string(20) "/khoa-hoc/-1092.html"
          ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
          ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
          ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(20) "/khoa-hoc/-1092.html"
          ["_params":protected] => array(7) {
            [1] => string(8) "khoa-hoc"
            [2] => string(0) ""
            ["course_id"] => string(4) "1092"
            [4] => string(5) ".html"
            ["controller"] => string(6) "daotao"
            ["action"] => string(11) "hangchitiet"
            ["module"] => string(7) "default"
          ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
          ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
          ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
          ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
          ["_controller":protected] => string(6) "daotao"
          ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
          ["_action":protected] => string(11) "hangchitiet"
          ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
        [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#206 (8) {
          ["_body":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_exceptions":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
          ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
          ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
    [6] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(78) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
      ["line"] => int(97)
      ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
      ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [7] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(67) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/Bootstrap.php"
      ["line"] => int(110)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [8] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(58) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Application.php"
      ["line"] => int(366)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(9) "Bootstrap"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
    [9] => array(6) {
      ["file"] => string(58) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/htdocs/index.php"
      ["line"] => int(17)
      ["function"] => string(3) "run"
      ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
      ["type"] => string(2) "->"
      ["args"] => array(0) {
  ["previous":"Exception":private] => object(PDOException)#170 (8) {
    ["message":protected] => string(206) "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NULL' at line 1"
    ["string":"Exception":private] => string(0) ""
    ["code":protected] => string(5) "42000"
    ["file":protected] => string(63) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php"
    ["line":protected] => int(230)
    ["trace":"Exception":private] => array(11) {
      [0] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(63) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php"
        ["line"] => int(230)
        ["function"] => string(7) "execute"
        ["class"] => string(12) "PDOStatement"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [1] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(59) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php"
        ["line"] => int(300)
        ["function"] => string(8) "_execute"
        ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(1) {
          [0] => &NULL
      [2] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(87) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/modules/default/models/Course.php"
        ["line"] => int(121)
        ["function"] => string(7) "execute"
        ["class"] => string(17) "Zend_Db_Statement"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [3] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(102) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/modules/default/controllers/DaotaoController.php"
        ["line"] => int(227)
        ["function"] => string(19) "getListCourseRelate"
        ["class"] => string(20) "Default_Model_Course"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(5) {
          [0] => &NULL
          [1] => &string(2) "vi"
          [2] => &int(1092)
          [3] => &int(1)
          [4] => &int(5)
      [4] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(64) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php"
        ["line"] => int(513)
        ["function"] => string(17) "hangchitietAction"
        ["class"] => string(16) "DaotaoController"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [5] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(77) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php"
        ["line"] => int(295)
        ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
        ["class"] => string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(1) {
          [0] => &string(17) "hangchitietAction"
      [6] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(63) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php"
        ["line"] => int(954)
        ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
        ["class"] => string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(2) {
          [0] => object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#207 (15) {
            ["_paramSources":protected] => array(2) {
              [0] => string(4) "_GET"
              [1] => string(5) "_POST"
            ["_requestUri":protected] => string(20) "/khoa-hoc/-1092.html"
            ["_baseUrl":protected] => string(0) ""
            ["_basePath":protected] => NULL
            ["_pathInfo":protected] => string(20) "/khoa-hoc/-1092.html"
            ["_params":protected] => array(7) {
              [1] => string(8) "khoa-hoc"
              [2] => string(0) ""
              ["course_id"] => string(4) "1092"
              [4] => string(5) ".html"
              ["controller"] => string(6) "daotao"
              ["action"] => string(11) "hangchitiet"
              ["module"] => string(7) "default"
            ["_rawBody":protected] => NULL
            ["_aliases":protected] => array(0) {
            ["_dispatched":protected] => bool(true)
            ["_module":protected] => string(7) "default"
            ["_moduleKey":protected] => string(6) "module"
            ["_controller":protected] => string(6) "daotao"
            ["_controllerKey":protected] => string(10) "controller"
            ["_action":protected] => string(11) "hangchitiet"
            ["_actionKey":protected] => string(6) "action"
          [1] => object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#206 (8) {
            ["_body":protected] => array(0) {
            ["_exceptions":protected] => array(0) {
            ["_headers":protected] => array(0) {
            ["_headersRaw":protected] => array(0) {
            ["_httpResponseCode":protected] => int(200)
            ["_isRedirect":protected] => bool(false)
            ["_renderExceptions":protected] => bool(false)
            ["headersSentThrowsException"] => bool(true)
      [7] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(78) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php"
        ["line"] => int(97)
        ["function"] => string(8) "dispatch"
        ["class"] => string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [8] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(67) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/application/Bootstrap.php"
        ["line"] => int(110)
        ["function"] => string(3) "run"
        ["class"] => string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [9] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(58) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/library/Zend/Application.php"
        ["line"] => int(366)
        ["function"] => string(3) "run"
        ["class"] => string(9) "Bootstrap"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
      [10] => array(6) {
        ["file"] => string(58) "/var/www/html/online/smartpro/frontenddev/htdocs/index.php"
        ["line"] => int(17)
        ["function"] => string(3) "run"
        ["class"] => string(16) "Zend_Application"
        ["type"] => string(2) "->"
        ["args"] => array(0) {
    ["previous":"Exception":private] => NULL
    ["errorInfo"] => array(3) {
      [0] => string(5) "42000"
      [1] => int(1064)
      [2] => string(150) "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NULL' at line 1"