1. Strategy & Process Building

SmartPro helps you to biuld these following processes:

1/ IT Services Catalogue

Helps the users to understand what services IT is delivering to the business

2/ Request Management Process

To report the total number of Requests from users which related to IT services, and to meet the status of services commitments (SLA/OLA) to the company

3/ Incident Management Process

To report the total number of incidents related to our services, the total downtime related to our services…

4/ Problem Management Process

Report on critical Incidents and Repeated Incidents, which cause threats, risks, IT reputation, and performance issues with company. It is prioritize and invest timely, cost-efficiently to address these issues

5/ Change Management Process

Changing Management with minimum risks, by going thru the corrected levels of Approvals, the well-designed Implementation plan, Back-out plan, and the proper Implementation schedule

6/ Configuration Management Process

To manage all Configuration Items (CI) in a well interconnected manner. Allow to see the linkages between Processes. It also allows to manage IT assets, and report on them

7/ Release Management Process

To manage Software Releases (Patches, Updates…) to the production environment in a controlled manner. This ensures that all Releases are well tested, implemented, and effective initial support

8/ Service Level Management

To manage SLAs or OLAs correctly, ensuring that we can meet our Service Levels – We will deliver what we commit!


2. Software Implementation

Based on the results of Strategy & Process Building stage, we continue bringing you to next level of choosing the most appropriate software solutions that will suite your business in the most proficient way, helping to bring more value out of your daily IT tasks.

One of the best and most effective software solutions that SmartPro is currently implementing is Ivanti IT Service Management. As an Ivanti Platinum Partner in Vietnam, SmartPro is confidently introducing Ivanti's ITSM solution to improve the quality of your IT services.

IVANTI IT Service Management

Ivanti IT Service Manager brings together a comprehensive set of service and lifecycle products that are designed to improve service level and productivity, follow best practices and achieve standardization, and align IT to the delivery of business value. Whether you are looking for basic functionality or need to perform more advanced Service Management Processes, Ivanti Service Manager can easily scale and adapt to meet your specific business needs.

Ivanti Key Differentiators:

  • 100%  web-based platform for use on all devices
  • Solutions and components based on industry best practices
  • Real-time dashboard reporting and analytics
  • Easy set up and configuration for a quicker time to value
  • Integrated client management to show details of end users machines and automated remediation.
  • Voice and workflow automation to reduce load on analysts and quicker resolution
  • Flexible deployment option with the same code base for easy migrations to cloud, on-premise, or hybrid

Ivanti IT Service Management Bundles:




In order to ensure the successful and effective deployment of ITIL / ITSM, SmartPro is also providing ITIL / ITSM related training courses with the effort to provide and improve knowledge for your IT staff in managing IT services in the organization. With ours training capacity, SmartPro is fully capable of developing the following courses:

  • ITIL
  • ITSM
  • IT Help Desk


To help you optimizing ITSM properly, SmartPro provides these followings services:

1/ Usage Support:

Provides Admin Guides and User Instructions, ensure both IT staff and end users know how the software works

2/ Technical Support:

Technical support and consultancy incase your staffs having problems using the software

3/ Operational Support:  

Incase any change needs to be made referring to process readjustment, user interface, dashboards arrangement,…

4/ How to monitor IT Team:

Ensure the compliance of IT staff as well as improve the quality of its IT service

5/ Report Guidance:

Consulting and suporting in making reports, forms, KPI… according to the needs of enterprises

Through the system of reports, forms, procedures, KPIs,... organizations are facilitated to achieve ISO 27001/ ISO 20000/ISO 90001


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