PMP® Exam Practice Test


Simplilearn’s PMP® practice exam simulator is designed to help aspiring Project Managers ace the PMP® Certification exam. 7 practice tests with 200 question each will simulate a PMP® exam experience and will also provide a platform where learners can get detailed insights into each topic covered in the practice test. 

Not only will our 7 practice simulations help the participants expect the types of PMP® test questions but it will also prepare them mentally for the 4-hour final PMP® exam. With a total of 28 hours of exam practice, this bundle will help the learners ace the 5 process groups and 10 knowledge areas covered in the PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition. Simplilearn’s PMP® exam course has all the ingredients to provide the best PMP® exam prep for the participants and this is what you need to conquer the final PMP® certification exam.


  • 7 Simulation exams in line with PMP® exam questions 
  • 28 hours of online PMP® mock test 
  • 1400 questions 
  • Practice test solutions with reasoning


After completing this course, students will have knowledge and skills to:

  • Acquire the knowledge and skills they need to pass the PMP® certification exam
  • Attain a better understanding of the concepts discussed in the course content through 1400 questions spread across 7 simulation exams. 
  • Get a hang of the PMP® certification exam and provide the best PMP® exam simulator experience
  • Get solutions and reasoning for each of the questions in the practice simulation test


Our PMP® practice test course is a great starting point for participants because they can get good practice before the final PMP® exam. This course is appropriate for the following individuals:

  • PMP® Certification aspirants
  • Project Managers
  • Associate/Assistant Project Managers
  • Team Leads/Team Managers
  • Project Executives/Project Engineers
  • Software Developers


PMP Exam Practice Test
